Most importantly, during our sojourn there, the winds died down a bit, which made for slightly speedier progress getting to Grenfell, where we stopped for another snack. To our great dismay, however, while we enjoyed our snack of dried fruit and cashews (how healthy are we?), the winds picked up again. We made it another 20km to Broadview, where we gave up, beaten by the wind. On a lighter note, Broadview is the home of Sergeant Bill, Canada’s oldest mascot. Sergeant Bill is a goat – was a goat. He’s dead now. (Can you tell it was a slow day today?).
To cap off our misfortune, we ordered a pizza at Kaycee’s Roadhouse, and after laboriously explaining to the waitress that we wanted one side with pepperoni and veggies (for me) and one side with just veggies (for Caroline), she brought us one with pepperoni and veggies on one side and just pepperoni on the other. Caroline enjoyed the extra protein. It had been a hard day, after all. 
Av. Spd.: 14.7km/h (a fine average speed – if we were RUNNING across the country)
Mx. Spd.: 23.7km/h (Such great heights! This came as we rolled into Broadview at the very end of the day, off a lightly inclined overpass).

Av. Spd.: 14.7km/h (a fine average speed – if we were RUNNING across the country)
Mx. Spd.: 23.7km/h (Such great heights! This came as we rolled into Broadview at the very end of the day, off a lightly inclined overpass).
Number of other campers at the campsite: 0
Number of bathrooms at the campsite: 0 (you can’t really count the little-bit-too-full-for-my-liking port-a-potty – or maybe I’m just high-maintenance)
Number of hayfields that could substitute for a bathroom if absolutely necessary: 1
Number of spectacular sunsets that redeemed the day: 0 (It wasn’t a very good day.
…Actually, I’m lying, it was pretty decent. I’m just being dramatic to make things more interesting for you.)
A little melodrama in the blog is always appreciated. That's annoying about the pizza. You could have been even more high-maintenance (included with wanting a portapotty that wasn't overflowing) and complained about it. Maybe you would have gotten it for free! Or maybe that only works in bigger restaurants in bigger cities.